Our last Contract Corner of this school year will review the evaluation process so you can be sure everything is in order before the end of the year. So, this week’s Contract Corner will be about the Evaluation Process.
Formal observations must be announced and scheduled at a time that works for both the teacher and the administrator. These are to be completed by February 1 for non-tenured members and February 15 for tenured members.
Mid-year reviews occur in February to assess progress toward goals. All members are expected to complete mid-year self-assessments prior to the mid-year conference. The mid-year conference is also the time to change SLOs or IAGD goals, if needed, to ensure they can be met. Evaluators may also determine a need to recommend non-renewal for a non-tenured teacher. Contact the HFT if non-renewal is discussed during your evaluation.
Reviews of Practice can be announced or unannounced. Reviews of practice are most commonly used for service delivery teachers. They are optional for tenured classroom teachers. They are required for non-tenured members or members who score below 2.49. These will be completed by May 1 for non-tenured members and May 15 for tenured members.