Extra Pay for Extra Duty

Whenever a teacher is asked to perform extra duty, they are compensated at the extra duty rate of $40 per hour. Extra duties include loss of prep due to class coverage, after-school tutoring, summer school, duties beyond the 225 minutes allowed by contract such as staying after school for late bus pickups, or other time …

Evaluations: Formal Evaluations

Formal observations should occur before February 1. A formal observation requires the educator to complete the pre-observation form which is reviewed during a pre-observation conference. The educator should be given two days’ notice of the pre-conference meeting. After the formal observation, the educator is required to complete the post-observation form and a post-observation conference is …

Annual Posting/Preference Sheets

The contract outlines a process whereby HFT members can request a change of assignment or a voluntary transfer to another building. To change one’s assignment within your current building or program, members must submit a preference sheet. These are submitted around February 1. HFT distributes preference sheets to building reps each year around this time. …

Salary Upgrades

Continuing education for HFT members is encouraged and members can apply for a salary upgrade when they have achieved a master’s degree, a sixth-year degree, 60 credits beyond a master’s degree, or a doctorate. Members wishing to apply for a salary upgrade must complete the salary upgrade request form through OTM and attach an official …

Schedules: Prep and Duty Time; Duty Free Lunch

All certified staff shall have 225 minutes of preparation time per week, on average. For PreK-6 teachers, 45 minutes of prep can be directed by administration. This is frequently used for team meetings. All other prep is unencumbered. Therefore, it is not insubordinate to say no to a request to utilize your prep time for …

USC Meetings/BR/Union Meetings in Buildings

Every building should have a Union School Committee (USC) consisting of 3-5 HFT members from the school. The USC meets with the principal monthly to raise issues of concern from the staff. HFT recommends that USCs also bring possible solutions to these meetings so there is a place from which to begin discussions and seek …